What are the Ways to Treat Eyelid Eczema?


Eczema on eyelid can be very irritating and tiring. Confused how to treat eczema on eyelid? Worry no more as we can help.Eczema is a common skin infection that arises from a variety of reasons and other lifestyle habits. Somehow, infections that spring up around us are not always attributable to viral or bacterial causes. Human preferences for certain materials and substances also play a role in eyelid eczema and other infections.

What is Eczema?

Eczema arises when the skin is chronically inflamed at early childhood and is also known as a topic dermatitis. It is reported to affect up to 3 percent of the adult population in the American society.

Eyelid Eczema

Eyelid eczema is particularly noted as a result of the part of the body it affects. The entire segment of skin that covers the eyes is composed of thin layers and is of evident fragile nature.

This sensitive nature of the eyelids makes it a bit of a challenge to handle the infection with the underlying tissues all touchy. Eyelid eczema might lead to swelling, which might blur your vision as it develops.

Treating the condition will also focus on the dry skin on eyelids so that the affected area can be moistened to ward off inflammation. The intent is to avoid a dry eyes condition and avoid further irritation.

Occurrence of Eyelid Eczema

When eyelid eczema occurs, it shows that there is an inflammation reaction to skin injuries around the eyes. This can be differentiated from allergic contact dermatitis as there are no specific antibodies responsible for it.

Possible Diagnosis

The following are the common symptoms to show the presence of eyelid eczema:

  • The presence of itchy rashes on an eyelid or both at one time or in a sequence
  • When an irritant gave rise to it
  • Sensitive skin condition that pre-exists
  • When there is negative result to test for contact allergen

Common Allergies That Lead to Eczema on Eyelid

Allergies to cosmetics can cause eyelid eczema as a result of allergens from:

  • Sunscreens
  • Makeups
  • Emollients, moisturizers and related items
  • Eye creams
  • Jewelery (with gold and nickel components)


Potential allergens found in:

  • Cleansers
  • Fragrances and the range of essential oils
  • Eye drops (medical preservatives and the range of antiseptics)
  • Contact lens cleaners
  • Eyelash curlers including nickel tweezers
  • False eyelashes – which often have adhesives
  • Rubber goggles

Eczema on Eyelid Due to Spectacle frames:

Contact dermatitis can affect the eyelids as a result of an allergen that is indirectly transported to the eyes. Touching the frames, rubbing the eyes or touching them provide grounds for the infection.

Allergens here will come from:

  • Handling metallic coins and clothing accessories exposes you to Nickel
  • Fragrances
  • Nail cosmetics such the range of false nails and varnishes
  • paraphenylenediamine allergy as a result of exposure to hair dyes
  • Pollen, dust and other wind-borne items can also give rise to allergens.

Allergic eyelid contact dermatitis occurrence

When an allergic contact dermatitis arises, it is as a result of exposure to the trigger or allergen. This reaction is best described as the effect of the immune mechanism and could be something you have been severally exposed to with no side effects.

When the rash on eyelids shows up, it will be a couple of days after the allergen have been contacted. Tracing could thus be difficult since a number of hours and days might have gone by already.

5 Recommended Treatments for Eczema on Eyelid

1. Avoid Complex cleansers

Irritation arises when there is eczema around eyes or eyelids and this can lead to worsening of symptoms. It is advised that you make use of cleansers that are natural or non-complex in nature with soaps out of the question.

Use small drops of cleansers as they are hypoallergenic and will not dry up your skin. Since they are free of fragrance, they are better accommodated by your body.

2. Avoid Irritants

If you have eye eczema, irritants will lead to further inflammation and should be avoided. Nail polish, makeup and a range of hair care components will worsen your condition and should be off-limits while you recover.

Others like animal dander, pollen and dust mites can be avoided systematically if you have eczema on eyelids. Access control and limitation of outdoor activity are desirable here.

3. Moisturizers

Dryness can set in easily with eczema and a breakout results when scratched. Since bacteria growth underlies this condition, infections cannot be ruled out. However, scaly rash and dry skin on eyelid which attends eczema breakouts can be soothed with emollients or some form of moisturizers.

Reducing the dryness is instructive so that a barrier can arise to stop loss of water and obviate itchiness. When your skin gets moisturized, it gets softened so that scales do not arise.

When you keep to regular use of moisturizers, it will prevent skin breaks that can expose you to other infections from bacteria. In choosing a moisturizer for your eyelids, only a physician can give you the most appropriate for your condition.

4. Use Eye Cover

Eyelid irritation can be limited or prevented when you use eye covers to shield you from cold wind and dust particles or the likes. When atopic dermatitis is diagnosed around the eyes, it affects the close segment of that part of the body.

The use of UV treatment can help out here if the condition is severe but again, protective shield must be around the eyes during the sessions known as Phototherapy.

Covering the eyes thus serves as a protective measure which must not be taken for granted when the eyes are at risk.

5. Anti-Inflammation Drugs

The use of drugs can help a great deal to safeguard your eyes and shield it from inflammation. Some anti-inflammation ointment, steroid-based eye drops or the hydrocortisone family is a regular choice.

This medication is suited for cases of eczema on eyelid so that the infection can be treated with dispatch.

The use of eye drops comes handy mostly when the interior of the eyelids are affected for better treatment.

  • As in all cases, using a physician’s guide is always preferred as over-use or self-medication can be fatal.
  • Knowing that the underlying conditions might appear differently makes self-prescription harmful.
  • A specialist will review each patient on a case –by- case basis and proffer the best resort to remedy the infection.
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Madison Elliott
Hi, I'm Madison Elliot but please feel free to call me Madison! Welcome to my space where I pen down all my thoughts ranging from personal posts to beauty and lifestyle!


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