Rimmel Kate Moss eyeshadow Palette | Review, Swatches

Rimmel London – Kate Moss eyeshadow Palette
Rimmel London – Kate Moss eyeshadow Palette

Rimmel London has had a long-standing, loving relationship with Kate Moss, and it has worked fabulously for their brand. This month, that relationship has been taken a step further with Kate Moss lending her skilled and very stylish eye to inspire Rimmel’s latest collection Rimmel London – Kate Moss eyeshadow Palette, the Glam’Eyes Union Jack collection. Today I am going to show you two of the four new release palettes, along with my thoughts on them.

Rimmel London – Kate Moss Eyeshadow Palette Black Cab #001

The quintessential, monochrome smoky-eye palette. Colours are all metallic and include White (micro-shimmer), Light Grey (shimmer and micro silver glitter), Gun Metal (micro silver glitter) and Black (silver and dark blue glitter).

My favourite: White – it is the PERFECT inner corner and brow bone highlighter.

Rimmel London – Kate Moss eyeshadow Palette
Rimmel Union Jack Eyeshadows Black Cab – Swatches

Swatches L-R: Black (silver and dark blue glitter), Gun Metal (micro silver glitter), Light Grey (shimmer and micro silver glitter) and White (micro shimmer)

 Rimmel London – Kate Moss Eyeshadow Palette True Union Jack #008

Quite a bit more fun and lively than Black Cab, True Union Jack mixes metallic pink and blues for a colourful smoky-eye look. Colours included are Pink (micro shimmer), Denim Blue (shimmer and micro silver glitter), Super-Dark Navy Blue (silver and dark blue glitter) and White (micro-shimmer).

My favourite: Pink – it is nicely pigmented and I love pink!

Rimmel London – Kate Moss eyeshadow Palette
Rimmel Union Jack Eyeshadows True Union Jack – Swatches

Swatches L-R: White (micro shimmer), Super-Dark Navy Blue (silver and blue glitter), Denim Blue (shimmer and micro silver glitter) and Pink (micro shimmer)

My review about Rimmel Kate Moss eyeshadow Palette

  • The Union Jack pattern is cute and fun to look at, but functionally a bit difficult to work with. If you are a ‘finger painter’, you will find it quite difficult to get colour from the smaller shapes without making a mess or dipping into the other colours. Using a brush is your best option.
  • Each colour in the pattern is separated by hard plastic strips. This makes it much easier to get one colour out (with a brush) than if it were colour-to-colour.
  • The packaging is surprisingly sturdy. The clear lid clicks into place and requires a firm hand to open. I also dropped these numerous times on the concrete floor (accident, of course!) and they didn’t shatter. Not one fleck of eyeshadow moved!
  • The colour compilation in the palettes makes it easy to create a funky look without a second thought. The colours compliment each other nicely and you can mix up the placement without looking like a fool.
  • On the back of the packaging, it has a little diagram showing which colour goes where on the eye. It is really great for people like me who aren’t great at coming up with our own creations. It is like a step by step placement guide. Love it.
  • I think the indented crown in the middle of the palette is just adorable. It is a minor touch but very cute.

What They Say ….

The Rimmel London Kate Moss Union Jack Eyeshadow palettes feature a range of daring metallic shades in an iconic Union Jack design. Palettes available include English Oak, Black Cab, Green Park and True Union Jack.

Find out: Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick by Kate Moss | Reviews, Swatches

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Madison Elliott
Hi, I'm Madison Elliot but please feel free to call me Madison! Welcome to my space where I pen down all my thoughts ranging from personal posts to beauty and lifestyle!


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