
Should you wish to discuss blog opportunities, or just have a general natter please feel free to give me a shout via email or Linkedin.

I offer advertising space for brands that are relevant to my site and my audience. I will not advertise or promote products that do not fit with my site, audience or me. Should you wish to discuss advertising opportunities and rates please email me.


Although I live in Los Angeles, I tend to travel around for events when I can (work and expenses permitting). I am now attempting to get to London for at least a few days every few months, therefore you have an invitation to a super exciting event and think I may want to pop along, please don’t let my Northern location put you off sending me an invite.


I am happy to accept relevant press samples and products to review and feature on my site, and such items will be marked as such with an asterix (*) to ensure readers are aware. Due to the nature and size of this site samples cannot be returned, and a feature cannot be guaranteed.

Items that are featured/reviewed are not subject to timescales or posting conditions unless discussed prior. All items will be featured in a way of my choosing, should you have specific requirements you can contact me to discuss this.

Sponsored posts & fee paid features (such as deadline set reviews or features with specific conditions) are also available; if you would like more information on these please get in touch for my rates & terms. No ‘paid for follow’ links are available on Madison’s Blog.

For more information please email