Homemade Hot Oil Treatment for Hair


Everyday environmental influences such as temperature changes, pollution and humidity, regular combing and using various hair products such as curlers, hair straighteners and hairdryers, can contribute to hair damage.

Hot oil treatment for hair care has many benefits, regardless of whether your hair is dry, normal or oily. Some of the most important benefits of hot oil treatment for hair are: maintaining hair moisture, increasing hair gloss, preventing split ends and adding volume. Treatments with hot oil can help with dry scalp and with removing dandruff. Hair oils can be bought at reasonable prices as finished products, or you can buy vegetable and essential oils and make the treatment.

Choosing the right oil

The choice of oil is a key step for a hot oil treatment for hair. Olive oil is perhaps the most common choice because it is the most accessible, but far from being the only perfect for hot oil treatments. Jojoba oil is very good for your hair because it returns its own structure and helps restore. Coconut oil is widely recognized for its ability to add shine. Castor oil is known for strengthening to the hair prone to breaking, while avocado oil is great for fighting with curls.

Choosing the best hot oil treatment for hair, as you can see, greatly depends on your needs. For start, experimenting with different oils may be the best strategy. You can mix oils for extra benefits. In hot oil, you can add a few drops of essential oil of your choice. Although you can also use honey  (1-2 teaspoons) instead of essential oils or mix different oils.

Hot oil treatment for hair

Choose the oils and put them in a small bowl and put in the microwave for 1 minute max. This is particularly important for coconut oil to dissolve. It is important to know that although the oil should be hot for the right effect, you have to be careful and test the temperature before applying to the scalp, to avoid burning the scalp. If the oil is uncomfortably hot for your fingers, it’s definitely too hot for the skin of your scalp. Once you have determined that the temperature of the mixture is safe, massage it gently into your hair.

Apply the mixture on hair from root to tip – massage in a circular motion. Warm up the towel with hair dryer, and wrap it around the hair. Leave for 30 minutes. (You can warm up towel on your hair, if it starts to cool). Also, instead of towels you can use a plastic bag or foil. Just wrap your hair and leave the oils on for about 10 minutes in this case. You can also wrap your hair in plastic foil and with a warm towel.

After the hot oil treatment for hair wash your hair as usual. It is best to shampoo twice and rinse hair to remove grease. If you struggle with dry hair ends only, apply oil a few inches from scalp to ends.

Since oil and moisturizing ingredients are the main ingredients of this mixture, they nourish the scalp and skin too. Hot oil treatments for hair are only a temporary solution and should be repeated regularly to maintain their efficiency. Repeat treatment weekly or every other week.

Dried herbs

hot oil treatment for hair with chamomile

To improve the effect of treatment soak dried plants in the hot oil for a while. To straighten the hair in a warm mixture of oil soak chamomile, arnica or horsetail for 15 minutes. For deep cleaning, use: rosemary, parsley or sage; for hydrating your hair: chamomile, lavender and aloe vera; and to stimulate hair growth: mint, parsley, sage, cinnamon, ginger, chamomile.

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Madison Elliott
Hi, I'm Madison Elliot but please feel free to call me Madison! Welcome to my space where I pen down all my thoughts ranging from personal posts to beauty and lifestyle!