Eight Super Fruits For Natural Beauty

Eight super fruits for natural beauty

There are some fruits often considered as a natural source for enhancing beauty as these fruits are packed with essential health beneficial antioxidants and minerals in their natural form.

Here, I have listed eight super fruits of which will make your skin healthier, radiant and glowing.

Top 8 Super Fruits That Helps for Natural Beauty


Apples are a wonderful source of essential nutrients and minerals such as vitamin A, C, B6, Riboflavin, copper, manganese, potassium, and magnesium that contributes to healthy skin. Its minerals like copper produce melanin which colors the skin and also protect skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Apples are enriched with malic acid (alpha hydroxy acid) which promotes healthier and firmer skin by rejuvenating skin cells without damaging skin layer.

Apples also contain high fibers that help in removing the colon and promote bowel movements, hence giving you a pimple free clear and glowing skin. You can use grated apple as a face mask or can also be mixed with honey or curd to make a thick and fine paste. Regular use of this face masks prevents the oxidation damage which helps in delaying the signs of aging.


Tomatoes are not just a healthy food but also very effective
Tomatoes are not just a healthy food but also very effective

Tomatoes are not just a healthy food but also very effective in nourishing your skin. Many people say that ‘tomatoes are the secret behind Hungarian women’s flawless beauty

It is packed with a higher amount of vitamin C which evens out the skin and provides a brighter skin complexion while tightening your skin too. Tomatoes are also a rich source of antioxidants like lycopene which act as a natural sunscreen and protect your skin from harsh UV rays.

Regular consumption or rubbing of tomatoes on face enable your skin to absorb more oxygen, hence prevents the sign of aging and make your skin less prone to wrinkles. Massaging raw tomatoes on the face also reduces sun tan and revives your skin’s lost glow.


Beetroot has numerous beauty and health benefits. Beetroot is consumed by either making its juice or in raw form like as a salad. Beetroot is packed with skin enhancing nutrients and is very effective for acne prone or oily skin. Beetroot is also a great source of vitamins, iron, and minerals that always keep your skin healthy and glowing. Regular drinking of beetroot juice prevents acne marks and pimple popping up on your face, as this fruit is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It also purifies the blood, helps in removing toxins and dead cells from the body while aids in cell regeneration.


citrus fruit has an amazing range of beauty benefits
citrus fruit has an amazing range of beauty benefits

This citrus fruit has an amazing range of beauty benefits. For a flawless, glowing skin, drink a glass of a mixture of honey and lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach. As lemons are antibacterial, it can cure acne marks. Try to rub a half of lemon, or you can also squeeze the juice of a lemon on your face for a couple of days, this will vanish all the blackheads from your face.

Lemons are also enriched with vitamin C and citric acid that keeps your skin lighter and brighter when used regularly. Antioxidant of lemon neutralizes free radicals and promotes collagen production, hence reduces age spots and dark spots on your face. Lemons also effectively break down all the grimes clogging the pores and give a deep cleanse to your skin.


Carrot has multilevel health benefits. It can be an excellent natural tonic for your skin. Carrots are loaded with higher amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants that keep your skin healthy and vibrant. All you need to do is to prepare a convenient face mask by mixing grated carrot with honey and apply this on your face to get a glowing skin in no time. Carrots also improve collagen production in the body, which is a vital protein that prevents wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and pigmentation and promotes skin elasticity. Nutrients like ‘beta-carotene’ of carrots also protect your skin from the harsh UV rays of the sun.


Strawberries also brighten up dull skin
Strawberries also brighten up dull skin

This vibrant and lustrous fruit has much more to offer beyond sweetness and flavor. Strawberries are loaded with a higher amount of vitamin C, A, K, and an essential alpha hydroxyl acid (Salicylic Acid) which effectively prevents acne marks on your skin. It has skin lightening properties and also contains powerful antioxidants like ellagic acid that reduces dark spots, wrinkle formation, and lightens scars by preventing the destruction of collagen. Strawberries also brighten up dull skin and improve your skin complexion while providing guards against UV damage.


This highly nutritious fruit is considered as a super food for its immense health benefits. Avocados are often used in making vegan mayonnaise which boosts your heart health and polyunsaturated fats along with a dose of vitamin E. It also acts as an amazing skin moisturizer when consumed or applied topically.

Avocados are high in vitamin B7 or biotin that promotes cell regeneration and growth, also results faster growing of nails and hair. It’s antioxidants like vitamin A and vitamin E known as ‘skin protector’ soothe your sunburnt skin. Avocado oil contains unique phytonutrients called ‘sterolins’ (molecular structures within plant based oils) which stimulates our body’s collagen production and remove dark circles and age spots. The fatty acids of this natural fruit provide our skin with essential lubricants that keeps our skin glowing and youthful.


Kiwi is not just a delicious and nutrient-rich fruit but also promotes natural beauty. Kiwi is a special kind of fruit packed with a high amount of vitamin C, A, E, organic acids, and antioxidants that rejuvenate your skin health. This fruit is also enriched with dietary fibers making it an amazing laxative.

Kiwi is not just a delicious and nutrient-rich fruit
Kiwi is not just a delicious and nutrient-rich fruit

Regular consumption of kiwi juice helps your body in eliminating toxins, hence provide a healthy and glowing skin. You can also scrub your skin with the peel of this fruit, as the peel of kiwi fruit contains essential enzymes that aid cell regeneration and make your skin flawless and smooth.

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Madison Elliott
Hi, I'm Madison Elliot but please feel free to call me Madison! Welcome to my space where I pen down all my thoughts ranging from personal posts to beauty and lifestyle!